Explore a glimpse of the SDE world during ASDE’s first SDE Weekend!
21st – 23rd of May 2021
The SDE Weekend is an intensive for exploring Self-Directed Education with intention, and finding answers for both common and expansive questions related to learning and life in self-directed education — from opening and caring for a self-directed community, to supporting a self-directed learner in the role of a parent or a facilitator, to exploring self-directed education as a liberation practice, and any other questions you bring with you or that come up along the way.
The SDE weekend is an “all you can (L)earn,” 3-day, international, online event in which you choose the sessions that match your intentions and participate as much as you want.
It’s a chance to learn with and from
more than 30 guests
from 5 countries
and 100+ other participants
from around the world!
We’ll explore parenting, living and learning, community-building, deschooling, decolonization, and disruption. Other offerings will touch on SDE facilitation, community-building and organization management, SDE in nature-based centers, favorite practices toward youth and personal liberation, and more.
Our intention is to have the SDE weekend as a generative and inspiring space for diverse humans to learn (about) natural ways of learning. After the event, proceeds from The SDE Weekend will go towards expanding Tipping Points Magazine by funding new commissions from contributors, interviewers, translators, and editors. This weekend is a kick-off; it’s just the beginning!
Set your learning intentions and join us for 3 sessions each day of the event. Choose your topic in the first time slot, enjoy a break, choose your topic for the second time slot, enjoy another break, and at the end of each event day join us for a panel on key topics related to ASDE members’ most frequently asked questions. 4 hours of engaged learning a day keeps anxiety away! We’re still finalizing the arrangement of sessions, but the flow of the weekend will look like this:
Second Session runs LA: 10.00 – 11.30/ NY: 13.00 – 14.30/ Dublin: 18.00 – 19.30/ Vienna: 19.00 – 20.30/ Cluj: 20.00 – 21.30
Concluding Panel runs LA: 12.00 – 13.00/ NY: 15.00 – 16.00/ Dublin: 20.00 – 21.00/ Vienna: 21.00 – 22.00/ Cluj: 22.00 – 23.00
We are sold out
Thank you for your support. We can’t wait to see you at The SDE Weekend!
Sign-up for our newsletter to be notified of the next eventFeatured Presenters

Luvenia Marie Wilkerson (she/her)
Entrepreneurial Unschooling Parent and Proprietor at Lou Hollis Talent MGMT

Antonio Buehler (he/him)
Founder and Facilitator at Abrome, Advocate for youth liberation, and Organizer for the Peaceful Streets Project – Austin.

Karen MacLean (she/her)
Co-Founder and Facilitator at The Snail Academy in Denmark, Co-Founder of The Green Freeschool in Copenhagen

Anthony Galloway Jr.
Co-Director and Facilitator at Heartwood ALC, Artist and Maker

Domari Dickinson (she/her)
Positive & Purposeful Parenting Coach

Iris Chen (she/her)
Founder of Untigering movement, Author, Mother

Tiersa McQueen (she/her)
Unschooling Mother and Advocate

Heidi Steel (she/her)
Unschooling Advocate and Parent

Traian Brumă
Learning Architect with The Alternative University

Rahiem Taylor (he/him/they)
Musician, Manhattan Free School Graduate

Naomi Fisher (she/her)
Clinical Psychologist and SDE Mother

Chemay Morales-James (she/her)
SDE Organizer, Liberation & Equity Consultant, and CEO at My Reflection Matters Village

Susan Milton (she/her)
Unschooling Parent, Facilitator with Seattle Flying Squads

Karen Duek (she/they)
SDE and South Brooklyn Flying Squad Facilitator

Crystal Byrd Farmer (she/her)
Founder & Facilitator at Gastonia Freedom School, Author, Board member for Foundation for Intentional Communities

Rachel Munzig (she/her)
Co-Founder & Co-Director of Alder Commons

Spence Babcock (he/they)
Unschooling Father and Facilitator at Rock Tree Sky, a Self-Directed Learning Community in Ojai, CA, US

Maria Haag (she/her)
Snail Academy Co-Founder and Facilitator, Freelance HR Consultant, with expertise in Embodied Facilitation and Learning Processes

Brooklyn Wetzel (she/they)
Outsider Artist, Unschooling Parent and Facilitator for The Hub: Micro-Academy

Christel Hartkamp-Bakker (She, Her)
Co-Founder of Sudbury schools in the Netherlands, PhD candidate at the Open University. Geologist by profession

Dorota Zaniewska (she/her)
Co-founding member of Puszczyk Forest Kindergarten, Puszczyk Forest Primary School and the Polish Forest Kindergarten Institute

Alice Ladley (they/them)
Lifelong Self-Directed Learner (homeschooler & alternative school student), Sociology major, and Student-Teacher

Emmett DuPont (they/them)
Northeast Unschooling Conference co-organizer, co-organizer of the only by-us-for-us group for Grown Unschoolers, staff at LightHouse Holyoke

Justine McConville (She, Her)
SDE Facilitator & Literacy Specialist at The Village Free School in Portland, OR

Jenni Mahnaz (she/her)
Head of Self-Directed Education at Omnis Education, Homeschool Consultant, Unschool Advocate, Photographer, and SDE Mom

Miró Siegel (he/him)
Hub Facilitator, Project Worldschool Co-Founder, Grown Unschooler

Jesse Shotland (he/him)
North Star Alum, Athlete, Artist, Philosophy Student
We are sold out
Thank you for your support. We can’t wait to see you at The SDE Weekend!
Sign-up for our newsletter to be notified of the next eventThis event will be held primarily in English, with sessions in other languages or featuring live translation indicated as such in the schedule based on presenter preferences. Automated Closed Captioning will be turned on for all sessions. Recording will be turned off for most sessions. Where presenters indicate that they would like their sessions recorded for later personal review, transcription, or sharing, attendees will be notified and their contributions will not be used or shared without their consent. Participants agree to help us hold the learning space by showing respect for themselves, each other, and the space in their engagements. ASDE has been learning and growing in the past year and invites you to read our updated forum guidelines and our reflection on our commitment to SDE as Anti-Oppression Work if you haven’t had a chance to do so yet.
GDPR information available here.