Posted 2024-01-10

ASDE’s 2023 Annual Report! Plus: announcements and updates for the new year

Link to original newsletter.

Newsletter Content:

  • Annual Report
  • Updates
    • Local SDE Groups meetups are shifting to SDE Efforts
    • Discord for facilitators
  • Team updates

It’s 2024! And we are here to share where we’ve been, where we are going, and some offerings from the community for this new season of the Self-Directed Education Movement.

Annual Report 📃

We are happy to share ASDE’s 2023 Annual Report. Take a look to learn more about our projects and initiatives this past year, key metrics of engagement, and our budget overview. If you have any questions, let us know!

Announcements & Offerings 📣

Local SDE Group Organizers Meetups are Shifting

Local SDE Group organizers meetings are shifting to monthly support meetings for SDE Efforts! After six years of local SDE group meetups, we decided to shift our purpose and conversations to be more inclusive of the various efforts that everyone is engaging in. We will continue to meet monthly and support one another in our SDE Efforts, whatever those may look like! Some examples of SDE efforts are starting co-ops, playgroups, or centers; holding monthly meetups for parents; expanding center offerings to support the local community; creating cohorts to work through deschooling, and more. We will also explore having themes or topics for some of the meetups. If you want to join these monthly meetups, please email us at to be put on the list!

New Youth Partnership Directory

The Unschool Files has a brand new Youth Partnership Directory! The Youth Partnership Directory is a community resource for homeschooling, unschooling, and self-directed families, for youth to connect with mentors who can support them in a variety of ways.

New SDE Facilitators Discord

There is a new discord server for Self-Directed Education Facilitators! This server is for you if you facilitate SDE with young people in any capacity. It is a place where we can come together across models and centers, and share experiences and wisdom with one another. The server has been a co-created effort, and the collaboration is ongoing. We hope to see you there, and please spread the word far and wide to other SDE facilitators! You can join here.

Team Updates 📝

We are saying goodbye to Domari Dickinson, as she steps away from the board to focus on other connections and reflection. We are endlessly grateful for everything Domari has contributed to this team – in particular her work on The SDE Weekend, Community Conversations, and all the energy and joy she brought to our team. We will miss you, Domari! Thank you for all you do.

We want to welcome Ruben Cohen-Whitaker (they/them) as an ASDE intern for the next six weeks. You will see Ruben around on our social media channels, as well as benefit from their energy, passion, and personal experience in SDE through a few projects they have in mind. We are really excited to partner with Ruben in this way, and look forward to all the ways they will bring a fresh perspective and ideas to the team!

Upcoming Events 📆

Self-Taught: Free Movie Screening

Jan 13, 2024, 11:00am — Jan 13, 2024, 1:00pm EST

  • Is school not working for your family? Join us for a screening of Self-Taught: Life Stories from Self-Directed Learners followed by a discussion of educational alternatives.
  • Creating Self-Directed Education Centers

    Jan 22, 2024, 7:00pm — Jan 22, 2024, 8:00pm EST

  • A free webinar about how to create a self-directed education center in your community.
  • Check out the Resource Directory events page for more upcoming events!

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    Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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