Posted 2023-03-31

Fundraising Update – 35% to Our Goal

Link to original newsletter.


Thank you for investing your valuable time to read this email. We need to remind our members and subscribers of our urgent request to support the work of ASDE. After 7 years of providing services, we know it takes $6,000 per month to sustain and grow. We are only 35% of the way toward that goal. The ASDE Organizers are so appreciative of everyone who has already donated! Any and all donations are helpful, but we are asking specifically for monthly donors. Monthly donations make our finances predictable, an imperative for our organization to continue to do the work we do. Please sign up as a monthly donor in whatever amount you can afford.

  • $5/MONTH will help us publish consistent social media content, and hold monthly meetups for local group organizers
  • $10/MONTH will help us keep our resource directory current for you with events, job listings, and centers where the values of SDE are upheld and practiced
  • $20/MONTH will help us give one-on-one and group support to individuals looking to learn more about SDE and support SDE centers, and publish Tipping Points content
  • $30+/MONTH will help us plan SDE events, answer countless SDE questions that come to our inboxes every day, and publish SDE-related books

Donate Now

We so appreciate this message from one of our members and supporters:

Hi there, my name is Sari Gonzalez and I am an unschooling mama, facilitator & director of an Agile Learning Community, podcaster, and coach supporting parents & adults supporting youth to build consent-based relationships and advocate for autonomy & freedom in young people.

I don’t have all the words to express my gratitude for ASDE and the impact that the organization and the people who keep its wheels turning have made not only on my own self-directed learning journey, but for the entire SDE movement. But, I’m going to give it a try here...

I remember what first drew me to ASDE was their mission of advocating for the agency of young people, and joyful and fulfilling lives for all. Since becoming a member several years ago, ASDE has been a go-to resource for me in my journey as I unpacked the many ways I have and continue to learn to show up with and for young people in my life. Whether it be the definitions/descriptions of the SDE framework on their site, the various diverse perspectives shared on Tipping Points Magazine, the myriad resources in the online Resource Guide, the ongoing list of global events shared on the event page, or the ever-growing web of community co-created during SDE weekends. ASDE is a well of information, inspiration, connection & community in a movement aimed to step away from conventional models and embrace ways of relating that encourage collaboration. The truth is, ASDE’s very existence gives me so much hope in the SDE movement and for the future.

If you believe in the advocacy of autonomy & freedom in young people and the accessibility of SDE for all people, I encourage you to donate to ADSE and ensure that their efforts continue to support liberation for not just young people, but for all!

Thank you, Sari, for your kind words and your monthly donation. Your commitment to SDE and active endorsement of ASDE provide compelling inspiration to all of us in the movement.

To everyone who’s donated so far... Thank you! We see you. We appreciate you.

Don’t forget to check out the Perks for Donors– depending on your donation, you could get access to SDE Weekend videos, a free guest with paid ticket to the next SDE Weekend, access to featured upcoming “Ask Me Anything” events, a signed copy of Free to Learn by Peter Gray, or more!

By becoming a monthly donor, you’re saying that you also believe in the vision of a world where young people’s human rights are respected and upheld, which includes the freedom to direct their lives and education; and where Self-Directed Education (SDE) is widely embraced, accepted, and available to all families regardless of their status, race, or income.

Donate Now

The Board and Organizers acknowledge your generosity and thank you for your support.


The ASDE Organizing Team

If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

  • Donate money
  • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
  • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press