Posted 2023-12-13

Statement on Gaza

Link to original newsletter.

For humanity to thrive, we must protect the rights of children

This statement is copied and modified, with permission, from The Unschool Files.


It’s been 67 days of active war in Gaza, and we’ve struggled to bear witness. We, as an organization, have all been deeply affected by the war in Gaza.

We recognize the pain of all those involved. We know, from history, that continuing to use tools of oppression and domination create more pain, trauma and conflict for us down the road. Too many lives have been lost, and many more displaced.

Collectively, as humans, we are responsible for the safety of Palestinian children, and for the safety of Israeli children.

This conflict is one of many active armed conflicts around the world. All of these conflicts must end to preserve the rights of children.

We are writing to you to ask that you use your voice and some resources below to decenter the support of corporate interests and military action and prioritize centering the humanity of those in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel so that a true reckoning with our human history can begin and we can begin to heal.

For humanity to thrive, we must protect the rights of children. We stand for the rights of children and call for an immediate ceasefire.

We urge you, our readers, to contact your respective leaders and lawmakers. We have included some resources we have found supportive and helpful during this very dark time.


The ASDE Organizing Team


  • Email senators & reps: FCNL
  • Call senators & reps: Download 5 Calls on iOS or Android
  • Pressure House Reps on Twitter & Instagram to sign Ceasefire Resolution:
    • Find who represents you: House
    • Check if they have signed the resolution: List
    • If not, find their socials & tweet or comment.
  • Call the White House comment line: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414
  • Hours: Tues – Thur, 11am – 3pm ET



🫂 Resources for Families and Centers:


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