Posted 2020-08-16

Welcome to a New Board Member!

The organizing team of the Alliance for Self-Directed Education (ASDE) is pleased to announce one new member of the board.

A huge welcome to September James who joined the board in July 2020. She has been an active member of the team for about a year, contributing extensively to the Resource Directory and events page, sharing insights about website content, and supporting the Young People as Advocates initiative.

[photo] In her own words, 
“I am a forever deschooling Self-Directed Education and children’s rights advocate, artist, writer, roller-skater, and intern at the Village Free School in Portland, OR. My life’s purpose is to liberate people through SDE, and I am so grateful to be a part of the magical, inspiring, paradigm-shifting community that is ASDE!”

We are so grateful for September’s continued involvement and deepened commitment to supporting ASDE in our collective work for liberation. Please join us in welcoming her to the board of directors!


The ASDE Organizing Team

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Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
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Tipping Points Press