Posted 2023-11-10

What’s the intention of the words “Compulsory Education”?

Link to original newsletter.

In this Newsletter:

  • “Compulsory Education”? A call to action
  • Highlighted SDE Content & Media
  • Radical Learning Facilitation Program
  • On the Horizon Journal Open Call
  • Upcoming Events

“Compulsory” Education?

It turns out the phrase, “elementary education shall be compulsory” in human rights documents actually doesn’t refer to making school attendance compulsory. The International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) 2023 is calling on the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to clarify this. A group of youth rights and SDE activists have created a campaign to share and spread this news at the same time for maximum impact, and we are calling on you all to join and support us in this! Look for an email in a couple of weeks that will describe in more detail how you can share your experiences, and spread the news of IDEC’s resolution and our joint call to the CRC to change the human rights documents to clarify what “compulsory” education really means. It is our hope that this change can lead to a new understanding of children’s rights, including the right to be able to choose their education for themselves.

Highlighted SDE Content & Media

Here is just some of the SDE Media and Content that we have appreciated lately. Some of this is new, some is a few years old, but all feels relevant to our current learning. We hope it may be helpful or inspiring to you!

¿Estás buscando recursos en español? El canal de YouTube de Educambiando tiene una selección de vídeos de la educación autodirigida. Y Tipping Points Magazine por La Alianza de la Educación Autodirigida ha publicado algunos artículos en español:

The Radical Learning Facilitation Program has spots available!

The Radical Learning Facilitation Support Program is a 10 month program, supporting SDE facilitators through a mix of live online group coaching sessions and accountability partner sessions, where SDE facilitators get the tools to co-create a new way of relating and communicating with the youth in their life by learning how to:

  • Deepen confidence and facilitation skills.
  • Develop new practices to support self-directed learners in developing more autonomy and independence.
  • Co-create a consent based learning culture with kids.
  • Develop more collaborative, equitable relationships with the kids.
  • Build consent-based and trusting relationships with kids and their parents.
  • Identify and learn strategies to let go of control and power over kids.

Learn more about the program here.

On the Horizon Journal Open Call for Submissions

The call for submissions is open through March 15, 2024.

Below are two excerpts from the website:

“Despite the many attempts of educational renewal, schools will only change if the entire education system changes. This requires more research into how humans become educated in alternative environments. Very little research has been done on educational spaces that support different ways of knowing, being, and doing. Yet, contexts that draw on a different, more relational and holistic, paradigm could drive new futures for learning and possibilities for human development.”

“We call for papers aimed at understanding the value of context, relatedness and ‘true’ choice on self-determination and self-development and the long-term effects on functioning in society. We especially welcome articles that center student voice within informal, non-formal, and self-directed educational approaches that operate outside the mainstream educational system, like unschooling/homeschooling or democratic schools.”

You can find submission information at the bottom of this website.

Upcoming Events


  • NOV 13, 2023, 7:00PM — NOV 13, 2023, 8:00PM EST
  • A free webinar about how to create a self-directed education center in your community.

  • NOV 17, 2023, 7:00PM — NOV 17, 2023, 9:00PM PACIFIC
  • Online Open Mic for unschoolers, homeschoolers and self-directed artists of all kinds to showcase their talents and connect through art, music, and storytelling.

  • NOV 19, 2023, 10:00AM — NOV 19, 2023, 11:30AM EASTERN
  • Join on Sunday 19th November to learn from the experiences of 3 thought-leaders on community building. We will collect your questions and integrate them into the online session to focus on the biggest challenges. FREE.

  • JAN 8, 2024, 2:13pm — OCT 20, 2024, 2:14pm CST
  • Unlock your full potential as a facilitator in our 10 month program so that you can deeply support the autonomy and freedom in the kids you work with!

  • APR 26, 2024, 10:00am — MAY 3, 2024, 4:00pm EST
  • The Shift is a 7-day long Deschooling Intensive for parents, adults supporting youth, facilitators and folks who want to transform how to think about education, parenting & community.

  • If you enjoyed this article and feel called to give back to ASDE, here are ways you can support our work:

    • Donate money
    • Share our content with others! Click one of the buttons above to easily share on Twitter, Facebook, or email.
    • Consider becoming a Contributor for Tipping Points

    Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

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