Updated 2020-09-14

An unschooling eco village would like to be born.  (startup)

The idea is to reawake our nearly abandoned but really dreamlike medieval village in Calabria in the south of Italy and create with some young families an ECO unschooling village.
Province: Reggio Calabria
Country: Italy


Although we are just at the beginning here (anyway already 3 families and 1 more willing to settle), we got a lot of ideas. There are some ruins we can build up, some nice cheap houses to be rented and also abandoned gardens/olives groves or land from the municipality for using. The potential to create a near-by-nature unschooling-community is almost unlimited ... but also the work ... so we need helping hands and sympathizers which would like to help us creating a place for lucky children :)

You can help us to:
– restoration of old houses and ruins – all trades
– spend your time with the children on the beach, showing them your perspective of the world, trekking to the waterfall in the mountains, helping finding their answer to their questions,...
– form places for lucky kids (workshops, creativity rooms, playground, tree houses,...)
– gardening
– recultivate abandoned olive groves and gardens
– terrace construction with natural stones
– cooking, house keeping, making the shoppings to the weekly market and, generally, handle the day-to-day tasks
– form places for lucky animals
– create new ideas for the project or simply being a part of the project and stay here for longer :)

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
[Survey not yet completed for this resource.]

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.