Updated 2020-03-02

Eco-Escuela Tikapata

A free school in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. For students aged 4-18, founded in 2008. Where we recognize, value and respect the diversity of students by giving them the freedom, responsibility, trust and love to direct their own learning.
Paolo Morante staff
click to see email
(+51) 927072324
Address: Sector Ticapata, Comunidad de Huayoccari
City: Urubamba
Postal Code: 08661
Country: Peru

SDE Optimizing Conditions

ASDE surveys all SDE communities/programs about how they provide, enhance, or align with each of the Six Optimizing Conditions for young people to succeed in SDE.  Survey answers:
  1. Responsibility – Children learn in free play. We redesign the spaces according to your self-learning needs. They can ask for personalized or group classes.
  2. Youth Autonomy – Children manage their time freely according to their spontaneous or long-term needs to choose what to do, what to play or where to be. We have collective meetings to organize or reorganize the coexistence agreements of the school.
  3. Access to Tools and Technology – Children have the freedom to use the tools or materials they need in the kitchen, garden, carpentry, art, computer spaces, etc. For some tools, an experienced person is necessary unless you demonstrate your safe use of it.
  4. Adult Allies – Children have different affectionate adults at their disposal to talk, reflect, play, share interests or support them with their learning.
  5. Free Age Mixing – School people, regardless of their age or role, live mixed every day.
  6. Community – Decision making occurs at assemblies that are called by students or adults. We also do talks with parents to share experiences.

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