Updated 2022-07-30


DisUnschool is community empowered spaces prioritizing disabled people and families who are curious about, shifting towards or currently on an unschooling path, those who are decentering school from their lives and participating in SDE centers.
Local SDE Groups
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State: California
Country: United States
Inland Empire, Los Angeles, Riverside County, San Bernardino County


The DisUnschool space serves as a hub of resources, meetings, peer support and community for disabled unschoolers. DU values liberation for all, compassion, playfulness, and healing collective care. We interrupt that oppressive, adultist, capitalist, ableist, individualistic, schoolish colonizer ish.

Any in-person meetups are typically hosted in the Inland Empire region. If you are interested in collaborating to make this DisUnschool flourish – whether that’s online or off – please connect by email.

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.