Updated 2018-10-08

Families for Self-Directed Education, Charlotte, NC

A space to provide support, encouragement, resources, and ideas for families in the greater Charlotte area who adhere to and embrace self-directed education (SDE).
Missy Willis founder
Local SDE Groups
Charlotte, NC  28270
United States
Matthews, Pineville, Concord, Huntersville, Fort Mill, SC, Lake Wylie, SC


Families for Self-Directed Education was started at the beginning of 2018 as a Facebook group with members in and around the Charlotte, NC area. Our goal is to offer a virtual space for SDE families to gather in an effort to expand the community physically. Members are encouraged to organize events, share ideas, offer their services/skills in support of self-directed education.

While many members do attend the local ALC Mosaic school in Charlotte, the other members of the group, along with the founder, are unschoolers/SDE advocates with children ranging in ages from preschool to college. We envision a vibrant, interconnected, supportive community with a common goal of honoring children’s love of learning.

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.