Updated 2024-07-22

UK Unschooling Network

This group is only for parents/guardians who are interested in unschooling whilst home educating. You must either be unschooling already or intending to do so.
Online SDE Groups


Different groups have different definitions of unschooling. Some people prefer different terms such as ‘autonomous learning’ or ‘consensual living’. There are certain principles that are common across all terms. Please see the UK Networks Principles of Unschooling in the pinned post and the files.
Unschooling is a philosophy of education where the adult facilitates the education for each child, rather than teaching. It is NOT at all the same thing as a ‘school at home’ style. We recognise that the child can learn without adult imposed structure, curriculum or work.
Unschoolers recognise that learning comes from all areas of life. They recognise the value of context-based learning and learning through the whole of life.
A key tenet of unschooling is that of aiming to not limit your children’s lives and interests. With that in mind, although all ‘flavours’ of unschoolers are welcome, this group does have one overriding principle and that is that if anyone posts here asking for advice, it should be assumed that they are asking for responses that fit with an unschooling/autonomous learning/consensual living approach. All responses should therefore fit within the following guide:
‘Is this advice limiting or restricting to the child in any way?’ If the answer is yes, rephrase it as a question. If no, go ahead and suggest it.

If any information about this resource is out of date, please let us know.