Posted 2021-12-27

The Impact of a Year

Is anyone else feeling the shift? More families than ever, especially BIPOC families, are shifting to homeschooling. For many, this move is fueled by finally seeing the way their young people are treated in the system, or the way their life felt when school wasn’t a daily requirement to meet for young people and family.

It takes a connected network of people — communities, individuals, co-ops, online spaces, centers, organizations, families, young people, parents — to build a movement that is living and breathing. A movement that reflects our values, feelings, and resonates deep in our souls. It’s taken all of you, and everyone who is living this, to do this. Thank you all, always, for your passion and commitment.

The Alliance seeks to unite those in this movement to provide a shared platform, a space for diverse voices, an amplifying force.

A place where we can connect and build on our understanding, and challenge one another – like our online gathering The SDE Weekend we held in May of this year and will again in early January, 2022.

A place for diverse voices to be heard through storytelling, voice, images, words, and art – like Tipping Points, our online magazine.

A place where people working to build SDE communities, that take many forms, can come together to share their struggles, their ideas, their questions, and their dreams – like the monthly discussions within our Local SDE Groups.

A place where we can catalog the vast array of resources and communities that reflect the spirit of Self-Directed Education and make the commitment that these are communities that truly honor and respect the liberation of young people – like our ever-growing Resource Directory.

The SDE movement works to recognize and amplify the stories of those who are brave and vulnerable enough to share. And the movement provides community, connection and support for people who are struggling and/or looking for something different.

We seek to support and provide all of these resources and options, but we know that we cannot do any of that without the people living and learning this every single day who make up this movement. Thank you all for everything you do and share.

Please consider sustaining ASDE with a small monthly donation so that ASDE can continue supporting and working with all of you. And let us know (by reaching out through email, Instagram, or our Facebook page) what we can do to continue to lift up and work with you all, what’s worked for you, and what hasn’t. We are looking to expand our projects and programs in the new year, and we want to know what would best support you all in your respective journeys.

With Gratitude,

The ASDE Organizing Team (Alex, Bria, Daveed, Domari, Janice, Karl, Sonia, Stephen, and Tomis)

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Tipping Points Magazine amplifies the diverse voices within the Self-Directed Education movement. The views expressed in our content belong solely to the author(s). The Alliance for Self-Directed Education disclaims responsibility for any interpretation or application of the information provided. Engage in dialogue by reaching out to the author(s) directly.

Asking the right questions...
What is Self-Directed Education?
Building a movement...
About the Alliance for Self-Directed Education
Sharing our stories...
Tipping Points Press